Habitat restoration and countryside services

Utilising our skills and specialist equipment including Softraks which are low ground pressure plant machines, we have successfully completed numerous contracts in various locations: most of our work being carried out in remote areas off the beaten track. The work we carry out is sympathetic and nurturing to the local environment. Our staff has a great respect for the outdoors and the qualities and benefits it brings to so many. Working within habitat restoration is as demanding and complex as it is rewarding. Our experience includes working within Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Biodiversity government incentivised public and private schemes specialising in working in remote ecological areas in rural locations.

Definition of Biodiversity

"the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable"

We are very proud that we have secured clients including Durham County Council, RSPB, North Pennines AONB and many more.

Projects carried out for our clients include the Peatland project, based in Stanhope, where we successfully completed thousands of kilometres of grip blocking work. We used a specialist low ground pressure excavator for this work. As a result of the standard of works carried out we were able to secure repeat and ongoing business with the client.

We are happy to work as sub-contractors or primary contractors to meet the needs of the client adapting and operating as strong team players to ensure standards are met and completion of works.

Our Habitat Restoration/re instatement services include:
(This list is not exhaustive; due to our innovative approach and skills we welcome challenges and invest in developing our skills and knowledge presented with varying opportunities.)

Grip Blocking
Grip blocking involves building dams to reduce the flow of water on the Moors, therefore helping to reduce flooding, improving water quality and also improve the blanket bog.

Bare Peat Works
This includes restoration on the moorland i.e. harvesting heather brash which is then spread on areas of bare peat, prior to lime and fertiliser and seed. This process develops the Peatland which is recognised to assist in carbon reduction. With the use of our specialist low ground pressure Softraks running on wide bog tracks this minimises, reduces and prevents long term damage on this delicate habitat.

Bracken & Rushes Control
A gang of three weed wipes is used to control the spread of rushes and bracken on the moors utilising the most appropriate technique for the landscape and land management requirements. We also carry out bracken spraying. 

Cut & Collect including Bracken & Rush Control
We have a number of specialist machines to assist in the cutting and collecting of various landscapes and foliage including heather, rushes and bracken. Control, cut and collecting of heather and rushes to assist in peat development areas and also encourage the sustainability of native species and habitats

Heather cutting, seed harvesting and Heather Reseeding

Edge Re-profiling
Edge re-profiling is relevant to various activities, for example re-profiling exposed edges of surface erosion to form slopes. These can then be re-vegetated to bring stability to the substrate, which prevents oxidation and halts the cycle of erosion.

Environmental Translocation
Moving established habitats to other prepared sites so that the moved habitat can re-establish. This activity can be used to minimise the impact of various developments such as quarrying, pipework, forces of nature etc.

Fire Fighting
If you identify that you may need firefighting support, we advise that you notify us of your operations well in advance that we can identify schedules to meet your needs.In the event emergency firefighting support is needed please contact direct on 07790 776102.

Habitat restoration work associated with installation of renewable energy and carbon reduction activities

Topping & Mulching
We have a range of toppers for both tractors and softraks which are ideal for cutting rush, heather and overgrown vegetation.

Water Course Development and maintenance

Including construction, agricultural and any other.

The above information is designed to be informative demonstrating flexibility and range of services. If you would like further information or to discuss your requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us